Slang is nothing but your teen’s language! The majority of teens sets out trends and come up with their own vocabulary...
The FamilyTime Blog
Digital Detox! What is it and how does it help your Teenager!
Digital Detox is a treatment for technology dependent kids (and everybody else). It is relatively a new term that is...
Parenting 101: 4 Incredible Ideas To Develop Healthy Habits In Your Kids!
Teenagers live their lives in a smartphone! Ask teens about their habits and rarely would one of them reply outside of...
Parenting 101: 4 Questions Your Teen Would Actually Be Interested In Answering
Teens have a lot to talk to their friends over the phone and face-to-face, but somehow when It comes to parents they...
Parenting 101: Do’s and Don’ts of raising teens
Parenting is not about loving your children and meeting their every needs only. It also means knowing when to out your...
Parenting 101: 3 Ways to Protect Your Teens’ Pictures Online
Who are the active users of social websites? The answer to the question is teenagers. Today, there are available...
3 Tips To Ensure Your Teens End Their Summer Vacations With a Bang
Summer lives in every child’s imagination throughout the year; it is like a refresh button for the whole year. Teens...
Gender Identity Disorder: Is your child confused about the gender? What can you do to help?
Does your boy like to play with Barbie dolls? Or does your girl like to play with cars and action figures? Do you...
60% of Teens in US are Nomophobic, But What the Heck Is This?
Ever feel that your child is restless without their phone? Do they roam around the house with their eyes glued to the...
Parenting 101: When and When Not To Push
Get tough with your teen and you’ll likely hear a door slam. But calm yourself because it’s is for their own good....