by Dario Lucas | May 30, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, What's New
We’ve been having a really good May here at FamilyTime. We were recently featured on BBC News for the fact that a school in the UK has chosen to use FamilyTime on their student’s phones to ensure they are not distracted during school hours. That was a big win for us...
by Dario Lucas | May 21, 2018 | Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
The internet is a powerful ally of modern life, where you can get thousands of information and data in seconds. Whether it’s school work, research, or just for fun, kids spend part of their day connected to the Internet, and during the vacation, the kids take...
by Dario Lucas | May 7, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, What's New
Among the millions of things that a mother has to worry about, our children’s safety is no doubt at the top of the list. This Mother’s Day, we’re going to try and give every mother the peace of mind they deserve. Rather than worrying about where your children are and...
by Dario Lucas | Mar 26, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, What's New
Now is almost time for Holy Week, and for kids, it is compulsory to look for the eggs that the Easter rabbit leaves them. Certainly, it is a pleasant and happy experience to see our children running around the house or the garden looking excited. But what if they ask...
by Dario Lucas | Feb 26, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parenting Teens
New technologies are everywhere and these make us many services, such as entertainment, knowledge sharing and much more. However, the other side of the coin exists. Abusing digital tools, staying stuck in front of an electronic screen for too long is bad for the...