by Dario Lucas | Dec 11, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
As it gets colder outside, our hearts are still warm towards all the parents out there who are just trying to keep their kids in line. Well, that’s exactly what FamilyTime was made for. This year, we’re doing a big winter sale and giving you a whopping 20% off on...
by Dario Lucas | Dec 11, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
Adolescents who use digital devices frequently are twice as likely to show symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study by researchers at the University of Southern California (United States), reports Europa Press. The study,...
by Dario Lucas | Dec 7, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
Today, screen management has become the main factor of conflict in families. We must find the appropriate rules for parents and children. I realized that the recommendations in terms of age do not work with a sibling of several children. How to handle the situation...
by Dario Lucas | Nov 26, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
As the dust settles on Black Friday, it is time yet again for massive sales thanks to Cyber Monday. This year, we’ve decided to go all out and are offering one of our best discount offers yet. This is the best time to become a part of the FamilyTime family so make...
by Dario Lucas | Nov 23, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, What's New
It’s that time of the year when it’s time to fill up your physical and virtual carts with all the greatest Black Friday deals. While you’re browsing the isles for the best deals, don’t forget to keep your children safe with the best device monitoring and control...