Dec 8, 2020 | Parenting Advice

The world is connected, and it involves you, your kids, your phone, their tablet, etc. It is natural that, with this connection, we do many things on the small screens, such as playing games, talking to people, having fun, buying things or even working and studying, as is the routine in social isolation.

However, with this incentive for screens, use is often unbalanced, generating addictions and problems for everyone. The concept of digital awareness emerged as an answer to problems due to excessive connection, showing how it is possible to make appropriate use of electronics and maintain digital health! Do you want to know more about it? Continue reading and follow!

How does digital awareness work?

Electronic games, apps, websites etc. they have many mechanisms to make people access, click, buy … So, it is normal that there are triggers that mess with the unconscious, after all, we are dealing with sales, disclosures, purchases and much more from the moment we connect.

When we understand that we need to develop a conscious posture for the use of screens and the internet, we start working on digital awareness.

It is possible to ask simple questions before buying something, for example, like: “do I really need this?” or “Do I need this, or am I buying on impulse?” Another example is teaching your child to have a critical view of the games he or she consumes, asking: “son, does this game have a lot of violence? Do you think it teaches you anything good?”

With little questions, we begin to understand whether the use of screens is being healthy or not. Thus, we show a good example to the children and teach them to question how the connection can or cannot be beneficial.

What behaviours does digital conscience develop?

Digital awareness works with many points related to our unconscious and desires. Thus, from the moment that these points are developed, people start to have greater:

  1. Autonomy in digital decisions

Analyzing if you really need a product x and choosing which product to consume shows greater autonomy in decisions, with resistance to impulses per ad, impact marketing, etc.

In relation to children, autonomy can be worked on by teaching that, in the digital world, he will have contact with advertisements, promotions, etc. and that you should not click just because you want something, but talk to parents about it.

  1. Balance between connection and disconnection

The connection time has increased a lot in recent years and not only among children and adolescents but also among adults. Thus, knowing when to disconnect shows a balance between the online and offline world.

Setting family time with everyone disconnected and having fun is a great option. Establishing daily hours for using the screens also helps to balance time.

In the case of children and adolescents, it is essential to understand what is the maximum amount to use screens and agree with your child on what period he can be connected. In addition, screen time limit app such as FamilyTime can help with this need.

  1. Focus and critical thinking

Finally, digital awareness also influences the focus of online tasks. If you work at the computer or your child is in homeschooling, they should define periods of great focus and periods of relaxed browsing, helping to finish tasks with quality and still take advantage of the small screens for laser.

These points are just examples of how digital awareness can help to have a balanced use of the internet and electronics. However, the subject extends to other characteristics that involve taking advantage of technology with health, always trying to bring balance to your life and the lives of your children.

Did you like the article? How about knowing a little more about FamilyTime and the screen time limit app for a secure connection? Take the opportunity to download the FamilyTime on  Google Play or the  Apple Store!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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