Is Telegram Safe? Know the Threats It Posses for Your Kids! 

Apr 23, 2024 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, Parenting Tips and advices

Over time, our communication patterns and preferences have evolved to a new level. There was a time when calls were the convenient mode of communication to update anyone about matters, but these were for some purposes. Whenever a person needs to deliberately talk to someone, the calls work. SMSs were a convenient option for simple messages. However, over time, our patterns of communication changed. Right now, we are using messaging apps like WhatsApp and others to communicate with each other on a daily and even on an everyday basis. 

Now, texting is more of a routine and habit for people to connect with each other throughout the day. Making calls is not that frequent. Well, messaging apps are more than just messages. These offer options for sharing media files, documents, pictures, videos, and more. Moreover, calls and video calls are another convenience. 

For Gen Z, these apps are a necessity. They are not used to conventional SMS or calls unless there is a dire need for them. For them, messengers are like a go-to option at all times to stay connected and share much more than just messages. Platforms like Telegram are eye candy for them as they bring them a versatile range of features. 

About Telegram – Is it only the Messenger app?

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that emphasizes security and privacy. While primarily known as a messaging platform, it offers many features beyond just sending text messages. Founded by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013, Telegram has gained popularity for its robust encryption, customization options, and cross-platform availability.

The app’s basic features its users highlight. 

  • Allows users to send text messages, photos, videos, documents, and voice messages to individuals or groups. 
  • Messages are encrypted end-to-end for privacy.
  • Users can create or join channels and groups to host discussions, share media, or broadcast messages to a large audience.
  • For enhanced privacy, Telegram offers “Secret Chats” that support end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages and do not allow forwarding.
  • Telegram is available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring seamless communication across devices.
  • Users can share files up to 2GB, including documents, videos, and audio files, making it convenient for exchanging large files.
  • Users can personalize their chat backgrounds, themes, and notification settings.
  • Telegram provides APIs for developers to create bots and integrate third-party services. 
  • Messages and media are synced across devices in real time.
  • Some components of Telegram’s client-side code are open-source, allowing independent security audits and contributions from the developer community.

Telegram’s Popularity – Beauty in Disguise

Russian brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov developed Telegram in 2013. It was live but available in limited countries, with a restricted number of users and less popularity. The major competitor of the app was WhatsApp, as the platform is pretty much common worldwide. However, things changed in 2021 when WhatsApp changed its privacy policy and added a few encryption or monitoring clauses. This eventually caused many users to rethink their decisions to continue using the app. 

At that time, users widely changed their messaging platform preferences, and Telegram became a highlight for its private and secure chats. The platform offered features similar to WhatsApp and even better, so the users were attracted. Another major shift of consumption from WhatsApp to Telegram was observed after 4th October 2021, when all of Meta’s platforms faced a 6-hour outage. Due to the decline in the quality of services, users moved to Telegram, and by 2023, Telegram had 800 million active users, mostly teens. 

The decline in WhatsApp’s popularity turned out to benefit Telegram, giving it a limelight. However, it’s not good news for parents, as this trend introduced their kids to a tricky and shady platform that is unsafe and problematic for multiple reasons. 

Telegram’s Red Flag Features 

However, while all the features Telegram offers are a blessing for its users, they are not for all users. These features are a big foe for kids and teens who are new to social media and vulnerable to digital threats. Unmonitored activities and lack of awareness most of the time land them in the pits of cyber predators. So, here are a few red flag features of the app that make it a big no for kids and teens. Moreover, these features call for monitoring and parental controls, too. 

Secret Chats and Self-Destructing Messages

Telegram allows users to have the chats private only for the person they are talking to. It’s like talking in whispers that no one else can hear. Users can set a timer so messages disappear after a certain time, like magic. 

While these features sound cool, they can also be risky, especially for young users. Parents might worry because they can’t see what their kids are saying. This could make it tough to protect them from bad stuff online, like cyberbullies or dangerous people.

Easy Access to Bad Stuff

According to Telegram’s content policies, naughty content is prohibited, but some people still post it. In private groups or chats, anything goes. That means kids could see things they shouldn’t, like adult content, pictures, and more. Some groups even share stuff about violence or drugs. The secret groups and chats make it hard for parents to monitor such content and control their children’s access. 

Anyone Can Find Your Kid

On Telegram, your username is like a neon sign that says, “Talk to me.” That’s great for chatting with friends, but it’s not so great when strangers start messaging your kid. Mostly, cyber predators are looking for vulnerable profiles and targeting them through messaging first. It’s possible to stop them from contacting you by hiding their numbers and only letting friends connect for a chat. However, you can only do this for your child by accessing their profile. Or, your kids or teens can use the settings for themselves. 

Groups Can Be Tricky

Kids can join big groups on Telegram, even if they don’t know anyone. That’s like walking into a crowded room full of strangers. Those groups can be a mix of good and bad. But sometimes, there’s stuff that’s not for kids, like bullying or weird pictures.

Fake News Spreads Fast

Ever heard of fake news? It’s like telling stories that aren’t true. On Telegram, people can share news without checking if it’s real. Kids might believe it and make decisions based on lies. That’s why it’s important to be smart and double-check before believing everything you read.

No Parental Controls

Telegram, one of the biggest social communication apps, has a major downside: the lack of parental control. That means Telegram doesn’t have special tools for parents to keep kids safe. You can change some settings, but kids can change them back. So, it’s like a game of cat and mouse.

To keep your kid safe, you might need extra help. Some apps, like FamilyTime, can help you monitor your kid’s social media activity. It’s like having an extra pair of eyes to keep them safe online.

Telegram is not for kids. Who uses it? 

Overall, Telegram is not a safe app rated for kids. Still, the majority of users are kids, preteens, and teens. There is no doubt that adults are using and benefiting from the app’s features. However, a huge community of kids and teens are taking their calls on the app. 

The app is for 16+ users by default, as mentioned in its terms of use. However, at sign-up, users are not asked for age verification. By just marking the box for the age limit condition, anyone can sign up and use the app. That’s a major glitch. 

It calls for parents to take a proactive approach to reviewing their children’s devices and apps. You should have a parental control app like FamilyTime that lets you access all the apps on your child’s device. It helps you review the list and block all bad and inappropriate apps on your device. 

Potential Threats Telegram Poses for Kids/Teens

Telegram can be a fun way to chat with friends, but it’s important to know the risks it can bring, especially for kids and teens. As a parent, you need to know these risks and threats. It helps you decide whether the app is a yes or no for your kids. 

Secretive and undetected Chats or Messages

While secret chats may seem exciting, they can hide conversations from parents. Plus, messages that vanish can make it hard for adults to know what’s going on. This secrecy could lead to kids sharing personal information or talking to strangers without realizing the dangers. 

Access to Inappropriate Content

Even though Telegram says no to bad stuff, it’s not always easy to keep it out. Private groups and chats can be full of things kids shouldn’t see, like violence or inappropriate pictures. This exposure could harm young minds and make them uncomfortable or scared.

Contact from Strangers

With easy-to-find usernames, anyone can reach out to kids on Telegram. This openness means that strangers might try to talk to them, which can be risky. Kids might not know how to handle these messages or understand the dangers of talking to someone they don’t know.

Joining Private Groups

Kids can join big Telegram groups, even with people they’ve never met. These groups might seem fun initially, but they could hide bad stuff. From cyberbullying to sharing inappropriate content, there are risks involved in joining these groups without knowing who’s in them.

Spreading Fake News

Telegram makes it easy to share news and information, but not all of it is true. Kids might believe fake news without realizing it, leading to misunderstandings or dangerous decisions. Learning to spot fake news is important for staying safe online.

Potential Cyber Bullying or Predation

When kids and teens are not aware of safer digital practices, they are vulnerable to bullying and predation online. Telegram is then the most compromised platform that can lead your child/teen to experience bullying or harassment at the same time. It can cause them to undergo psychological and social pressures.  

Safety Recommendations by FamilyTime for Telegram Users

As parents, it’s essential to keep our kids safe while they enjoy using apps like Telegram. Here are some helpful tips from FamilyTime to ensure a safer experience:

Use In-app Privacy Settings

Use Telegram’s built-in privacy settings to control who can contact your child and see their profile. Encourage your child to set their account to private so only approved contacts can message them. Using these settings can help limit unwanted interactions and make your child’s conversations safer.

Educate Your Child About Platform’s Threats

Talk openly with your child about the potential dangers they might encounter on Telegram. Teach them to recognize signs of suspicious behavior, such as requests for personal information or messages from strangers. Educating your child about online safety empowers them to make smart decisions and protect themselves from harm.

Boost Your Child’s Digital Literacy 

If you cannot stop your child or teen from using the app, then empowering them with the right knowledge is better. Increase their digital literacy and knowledge about the best and safest digital practices. Make them learn about digital threats, safer practices of sharing information, verifying fake news, making safer new connections, and much more. Once you teach them good practices, they will do better on these platforms, avoiding the issues and threats. 

Balance Child’s Screen Time & Digital Interaction

Encourage a healthy balance between screen time and offline activities. Set limits on your child’s daily time on Telegram and other digital platforms. Encourage them to engage in hobbies and sports or spend time with family and friends in the real world. By promoting balance, you help prevent the overuse of technology and foster healthy habits.

Secure Telegram Usage with FamilyTime

Consider using parental control tools like FamilyTime to monitor and manage your child’s Telegram usage. With FamilyTime, you can view your child’s chat history, monitor their contacts, and set restrictions on who they can communicate with. You can also set time limits for app usage and receive alerts if your child encounters inappropriate content. By using FamilyTime, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is using Telegram safely and responsibly.

Our Verdict on Telegram’s Safety!

Telegram is undoubtedly an app that offers secure messaging and multiple data-sharing options without compromising data security. However, it’s not a platform that works really well for adults or kids. We cannot let kids or even teens use this platform without governance. It puts their safety at a huge risk. 

Educating your kids and teens about the platform’s threats and issues is better. Enlighten them about the safety practices of using digital media and monitor their digital activities with the best parental control app, FamilyTime. It helps you introduce them to a safer and more secure digital environment.

Over time, our communication patterns and preferences have evolved to a new level. There was a time when calls were the convenient mode of communication to update anyone about matters, but these were for some purposes. Whenever a person needs to deliberately talk to someone, the calls work. SMSs were a convenient option for simple messages. However, over time, our patterns of communication changed. Right now, we are using messaging apps like WhatsApp and others to communicate with each other on a daily and even on an everyday basis. 

Now, texting is more of a routine and habit for people to connect with each other throughout the day. Making calls is not that frequent. Well, messaging apps are more than just messages. These offer options for sharing media files, documents, pictures, videos, and more. Moreover, calls and video calls are another convenience. 

For Gen Z, these apps are a necessity. They are not used to conventional SMS or calls unless there is a dire need for them. For them, messengers are like a go-to option at all times to stay connected and share much more than just messages. Platforms like Telegram are eye candy for them as they bring them a versatile range of features. However, it pops a question, is Telegram safe? 

About Telegram – Is it only the Messenger app?

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that emphasizes security and privacy. While primarily known as a messaging platform, it offers many features beyond just sending text messages. Founded by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013, Telegram has gained popularity for its robust encryption, customization options, and cross-platform availability.

The app’s basic features its users highlight. 

  • Allows users to send text messages, photos, videos, documents, and voice messages to individuals or groups. 
  • Messages are encrypted end-to-end for privacy.
  • Users can create or join channels and groups to host discussions, share media, or broadcast messages to a large audience.
  • For enhanced privacy, the app offers “Secret Chats” that support end-to-end encryption that increases Telegram safety for users 
  • Self-destructing messages and do not allow forwarding.
  • Telegram is available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring seamless communication across devices.
  • Users can share files up to 2GB, including documents, videos, and audio files, making it convenient for exchanging large files.
  • Users can personalize their chat backgrounds, themes, and notification settings.
  • Telegram provides APIs for developers to create bots and integrate third-party services. 
  • Messages and media are synced across devices in real time.
  • Some components of Telegram’s client-side code are open-source, allowing independent security audits and contributions from the developer community.

Telegram’s Popularity – Beauty in Disguise

Russian brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov developed Telegram in 2013. It was live but available in limited countries, with a restricted number of users and less popularity. The major competitor of the app was WhatsApp, as the platform is pretty much common worldwide. However, things changed in 2021 when WhatsApp changed its privacy policy and added a few encryption or monitoring clauses. This eventually caused many users to rethink their decisions to continue using the app. 

At that time, users widely changed their messaging platform preferences, and Telegram became a highlight for its private and secure chats. The platform offered features similar to WhatsApp and even better, so the users were attracted. Another major shift of consumption from WhatsApp to Telegram was observed after 4th October 2021, when all of Meta’s platforms faced a 6-hour outage. Due to the decline in the quality of services, users moved to Telegram, and by 2023, Telegram had 800 million active users, mostly teens. 

The decline in WhatsApp’s popularity turned out to benefit Telegram, giving it a limelight. However, it’s not good news for parents, as this trend introduced their kids to a tricky and shady platform that is unsafe and problematic for multiple reasons. 

Telegram’s Red Flag Features 

However, many users consider Telegram safety features a blessing for their private chats and communication but it’s not the case for all users. These features are a big foe for kids and teens who are new to social media and vulnerable to digital threats. Unmonitored activities and lack of awareness most of the time land them in the pits of cyber predators. So, here are a few red flag features of the app that make it a big no for kids and teens. Moreover, these features call for monitoring and parental controls, too. 

Secret Chats and Self-Destructing Messages

Telegram allows users to have the chats private only for the person they are talking to. It’s like talking in whispers that no one else can hear. Users can set a timer so messages disappear after a certain time, like magic. 

While these features sound cool, they can also be risky, especially for young users. Parents might worry because they can’t see what their kids are saying. This could make it tough to protect them from bad stuff online, like cyberbullies or dangerous people.

Easy Access to Bad Stuff

According to Telegram’s content policies, naughty content is prohibited, but some people still post it. In private groups or chats, anything goes. That means kids could see things they shouldn’t, like adult content, pictures, and more. Some groups even share stuff about violence or drugs. The secret groups and chats make it hard for parents to monitor such content and control their children’s access. 

Anyone Can Find Your Kid

On Telegram, your username is like a neon sign that says, “Talk to me.” That’s great for chatting with friends, but it’s not so great when strangers start messaging your kid. Mostly, cyber predators are looking for vulnerable profiles and targeting them through messaging first. It’s possible to stop them from contacting you by hiding their numbers and only letting friends connect for a chat. However, you can only do this for your child by accessing their profile. Or, your kids or teens can use the settings for themselves. 

Groups Can Be Tricky

Kids can join big groups on Telegram, even if they don’t know anyone. That’s like walking into a crowded room full of strangers. Those groups can be a mix of good and bad and do not make Telegram safe. Sometimes, there’s stuff that’s not for kids, like bullying or weird pictures.

Fake News Spreads Fast

Ever heard of fake news? It’s like telling stories that aren’t true. On Telegram, people can share news without checking if it’s real. Kids might believe it and make decisions based on lies. That’s why it’s important to be smart and double-check before believing everything you read.

No Parental Controls

Telegram, one of the biggest social communication apps, has a major downside: the lack of parental control. That means there are not built-in Telegram parental controls or tools for parents to keep kids safe. You can change some settings, but kids can change them back. So, it’s like a game of cat and mouse.

To keep your kid safe, you might need extra help. Some apps, like FamilyTime, can help you monitor your kid’s social media activity. It’s like having an extra pair of eyes to keep them safe online.

Telegram is not for kids. Who uses it? 

Overall, Telegram is not a safe app rated for kids. Still, the majority of users are kids, preteens, and teens. There is no doubt that adults are using and benefiting from the app’s features. However, a huge community of kids and teens are taking their calls on the app. 

The app is for 16+ users by default, as mentioned in its terms of use. However, at sign-up, users are not asked for age verification. By just marking the box for the age limit condition, anyone can sign up and use the app. That’s a major glitch which does not make Telegram safe for kids. 

It calls for parents to take a proactive approach to reviewing their children’s devices and apps. You should have a parental control app like FamilyTime that lets you access all the apps on your child’s device. It helps you review the list and block all bad and inappropriate apps on your device. 

Potential Threats Telegram Poses for Kids/Teens

Telegram can be a fun way to chat with friends, but it’s important to know the risks it can bring, especially for kids and teens. As a parent, you need to know these risks and threats. It helps you decide whether the app is a yes or no for your kids. 

Secretive and undetected Chats or Messages

While secret chats may seem exciting, they can hide conversations from parents. Plus, messages that vanish can make it hard for adults to know what’s going on. This secrecy could lead to kids sharing personal information or talking to strangers without realizing the dangers. 

Access to Inappropriate Content

Even though Telegram says no to bad stuff, it’s not always easy to keep it out. Private groups and chats can be full of things kids shouldn’t see, like violence or inappropriate pictures. This exposure could harm young minds and make them uncomfortable or scared.

Contact from Strangers

With easy-to-find usernames, anyone can reach out to kids on Telegram. This openness means that strangers might try to talk to them, which can be risky. Kids might not know how to handle these messages or understand the dangers of talking to someone they don’t know. Lack of Telegram safety features in connecting users on the platform put kids at a big risk. 

Joining Private Groups

Kids can join big Telegram groups, even with people they’ve never met. These groups might seem fun initially, but they could hide bad stuff. From cyberbullying to sharing inappropriate content, there are risks involved in joining these groups without knowing who’s in them.

Spreading Fake News

Telegram makes it easy to share news and information, but not all of it is true. Kids might believe fake news without realizing it, leading to misunderstandings or dangerous decisions. Learning to spot fake news is important for staying safe online.

Potential Cyber Bullying or Predation

When kids and teens are not aware of safer digital practices, they are vulnerable to bullying and predation online. Telegram is then the most compromised platform that can lead your child/teen to experience bullying or harassment at the same time. It can cause them to undergo psychological and social pressures.  

Safety Recommendations by FamilyTime for Telegram Users

As parents, it’s essential to keep our kids safe while they enjoy using apps like Telegram. Making Telegram safe for kids is not that difficult, here are some helpful tips from FamilyTime to ensure a safer experience:

Use In-app Privacy Settings

Though you cannot find Telegram parental controls but can use its built-in privacy settings to control who can contact your child and see their profile. Encourage your child to set their account to private so only approved contacts can message them. Using these settings can help limit unwanted interactions and make your child’s conversations safer.

Educate Your Child About Platform’s Threats

Talk openly with your child about the potential dangers they might encounter on Telegram. Teach them to recognize signs of suspicious behavior, such as requests for personal information or messages from strangers. Educating your child about online safety empowers them to make smart decisions and protect themselves from harm.

Boost Your Child’s Digital Literacy 

If you cannot stop your child or teen from using the app, then empowering them with the right knowledge is better. Increase their digital literacy and knowledge about the best and safest digital practices. Make them learn about digital threats, safer practices of sharing information, verifying fake news, making safer new connections, and much more. Once you teach them good practices, they will do better on these platforms, avoiding the issues and threats. 

Balance Child’s Screen Time & Digital Interaction

Encourage a healthy balance between screen time and offline activities. Set limits on your child’s daily time on Telegram and other digital platforms. Encourage them to engage in hobbies and sports or spend time with family and friends in the real world. By promoting balance, you help prevent the overuse of technology and foster healthy habits.

Secure Telegram Usage with FamilyTime

No Telegram Parental Controls by default? No problem! Consider using parental control tools like FamilyTime to monitor and manage your child’s Telegram usage. With FamilyTime, you can view your child’s chat history, monitor their contacts, and set restrictions on who they can communicate with. You can also set time limits for app usage and receive alerts if your child encounters inappropriate content. By using FamilyTime, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child is using Telegram safely and responsibly.

Our Verdict on Telegram’s Safety!

Telegram is undoubtedly an app that offers secure messaging and multiple data-sharing options without compromising data security. However, it’s not a platform that works really well for adults or kids. Telegram’s safety for kids is highly questionable as it puts them at a huge risk of exposing themselves to cyber threats. We cannot let kids or even teens use this platform without governance. 

Educating your kids and teens about the platform’s threats and issues is better. Enlighten them about the safety practices of using digital media and monitor their digital activities with the best parental control app, FamilyTime. It helps you introduce them to a safer and more secure digital environment.

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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