50,000+ users – we sure are in a party mood!
Developing an app that does great and has a great value for users is only one part of the game. Getting trusted by the users is what really matters. Within just a couple of years, FamilyTime now boasts 50,000 active users and counting! And we’re feeling euphoric already!
We started modest, with only a handful of features and a very basic interface. Now with full compatibility with Android, iOS and Amazon, multilingual support, over 30 awesome parental control features, and more than 50,000 users, FamilyTime is a name well-trusted in the parental controls industry.
Hard work pays off. With endless sleepless nights and incessantly working on new features has been a tough ride all the way. With our latest features to the list: Android Text Message Monitoring and iOS Content Filtering, we’re sure parents are going to fall in love with us even more!
That’s right, Text Message Monitoring feature empowers parents to read all sent and received text messages on their children’s Android devices. They can read full conversation along with details like time & date stamps. The feature is super-simple to setup and use so give it a try:
Not only that; parents can even restrict adult content on their children’s iOS devices. This ground-breaking feature, Content Filter, lets parents block all films, TV shows and apps that have adult ratings. In addition to that, parents can also restrict adult content like songs, podcasts, etc from showing up in children’s iTunes search and can block adult fiction in the iBooks. Pretty neat, eh? Give this feature a try, right away:
Halloween Attractions
And just because we’re super-excited, let me throw a big hint: FamilyTime is planning something big this Halloween. So stay tuned and keep reading our blog for great discounts coming up your way to make your Halloween ‘spooktracular’!