by Dario Lucas | Feb 24, 2023 | Parental Controls
Social media apps have become a staple for every household in the digital age. Teens use social media to stay connected, up-to-date on the latest scoops, follow current trends, and get entertainment. However, frequent and excessive use of social media is a problem...
by Dario Lucas | Dec 10, 2021 | Parenting Advice
Nothing has to be right or wrong when everyone is after it. It is just as it is. Just like the challenges over TikTok or any other social media app. Lately, we are seeing TikTok following the trend of completing the milk crate challenge. You have to stack the...
by Janice Heddon | Mar 5, 2021 | Parenting 101, Parenting Advice, Parenting Teens
You’re catching up on social media like Facebook and Twitter, and your teenager is already Snapchatting, Instagramming, laughing at memes. The world of social media is moving at a dizzying pace. And, as usual, teenagers are the first to stay up to date with the...
by Janice Heddon | Oct 20, 2015 | Parenting Teens
Teenagers use social media precipitously. This is one big fact that every parent knows already but have you ever thought about the reasons why so? What makes them stick to the digital world so tightly that they ignore their real surroundings and get indulged in the...