50,000+ users - we sure are in a party mood! Developing an app that does great and has a great value for users is only...
The FamilyTime Blog
45% UK Teens Check Their Mobiles After Bed Time – FamilyTime has a Perfect Solution
BBC reports that almost half of the teens in UK check their mobile devices after they have gone to bed. And it’s not...
Killer Clowns in US, Canada : How to Keep Kids Safe
You take one look at the news and you’d know that US has got a ‘Clown Problem’ and it’s getting worse; spreading to...
Digital Addiction Is Pretty Real and the Only Cure Is Prevention
Digital devices get kids high just like cocaine or heroin. It increases the dopamine levels, leaving them feeling...
Say Bye-Bye To Screens – Spend Quality Time With Your Kids!
Have you ever stopped talking in the middle of a conversation because your kid zoned out? You finally get time to talk...
Pokémon Go: A Hazard for Teens!
If you see a person running while constantly tapping their phone, it is likely they are catching a Pokémon. Pokémon Go...
A Dad Received $6,593 Bill From Her Daughter’s Mobile Gaming; You Don’t Want That to Happen!
Those numbers are quite a shocker, aren’t they? I know my heart skipped a few beats when I heard this. It is true, a...
Buckle Up For the New School Year – 7 Parenting Tips That Will Take You Through
The lazing around days are over, it’s time to get back to business. I’m sure most of you are back from vacation and...
On Cyberbullying, Teen Depression and the Need of Parental Involvement
Who knew that freedom of speech would be used to convey hate and simple sharing would become a live wire for gossip to...