by Janice Heddon | Nov 10, 2016 | Parental Controls, Parenting Teens
We talk a lot about protecting our kids from the cyber bullies and do everything in our power to save them. But have we ever thought that our child can also be the bully and what are the reasons that can cause them to have such a behavior? As often as we ask ourselves...
by Janice Heddon | Nov 7, 2016 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS
Kids are naturally curious. They are at an age where they are learning new things every day. They ask questions and find answers. This is also an age where they are driven by impulse. They don’t think rationally and often take risks. Same thing happens when they go on...
by Janice Heddon | Nov 2, 2016 | Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, Parenting Teens
When you think about dementia, you say it’s a mental disorder among old people; something that the grandpa has. Thanks to all things digital, we now have a thing called Digital Dementia and kids as young as 10 are suffering from it. According to,...
by Janice Heddon | Oct 31, 2016 | Family Locator App, Parenting Teens
Okay, I get it, Halloween is scary. The decorations, snacks and the costumes need to be real scary-looking. But this shouldn’t mean that you need to keep your kids over-protected because something scary might happen to them if they go out on their own! C’mon, it’s...
by Janice Heddon | Oct 27, 2016 | Parental Controls, Parenting 101
Last weekend, I watched the movie, Bad Moms and I was aghast how much I could relate to it! We mothers have had enough horror stories but each day brings new challenges and oh the mess the life can become sometimes! It seems 24 hours are not enough for a day and the...