Feb 9, 2018 | Parental Controls, Parenting Advice

February 6, International Safer Internet Day is celebrated. It is a date promoted by the European Commission with the aim of spreading the word about the responsible and safe use of new technologies throughout the world.

Representatives from all over the world gather today under this year’s motto: “Create, connect and share respect: a better Internet starts with you”, with the aim of promoting the awareness of all individuals in the creation of a higher quality internet for all and all and thus fight against the illicit and harmful contents of the global networks.

On the occasion of this day, FamilyTime team brings in 7 keys to Cybersecurity, which contains good practice tips and a decalogue with some guidelines. Give it a read!

1.     Design and implement an information security policy

It is important to design and implement digital security at home, as well as the development of regulations on the obligations that you and your kids have regarding the treatment and security of the information they handle.

2.     Establish effective controls for logical access to your systems

Securing your documents and important or private folders through passwords is a measure that never hurts. The encrypted barriers will serve to prevent unauthorized access to information managed by you or your kids.

3.     Teach by example

Educate the little ones, teach them to use the technologies with intelligence, respect, and caution: take time to navigate with them, explain what dangers they can find on the net and try to minimize the risks they can be exposed to.

4.     Be polite and respectful

The basic rules of coexistence that serve education and in life are also valid in your virtual world: no disrespect, insult or humiliation is allowed with the support of the network anonymity i.e. do not let others do it with you or with others.

5.     Do not lose control

Tell your kids to control their social networks, rather than letting the networks control them. Think, for example, if you want to share something with everyone on Instagram, or instead use Facebook only for your true acquaintances before you post or share anything. Make them use privacy settings intelligently so their updates are shared only with people they want.  Also, make them realize that erasing something from the Internet is practically impossible, so before they post, think for a while is it something that they would like to see about themselves on the ask internet for years?

6.     Take care of the images

It is good to keep memories of the best moments … but be careful: the photos or videos are not to immortalize ridiculous or embarrassing situations. Explain that this should not be done and that they should not allow photos to be taken without their permission. With that, explain your kids not to send photos of yourself or your friends to people they do not know.

7.     Protect them… and make sure they protect themselves

Parental control programs are as essential as common sense and good sense. This means that first, your kids should know that just as they do not speak or give information to strangers, they should neither do so with a screen in between. Giving them this education, make use of the parental control program to add another layer of security and protect them 24/7 from all the hazards of the cyberspace conveniently.

Make use of these simple tips and make the cyber world secure for your kids for always!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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