Five Great Tips For Parents Raising Teenage Kids

Feb 6, 2017 | Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, Parenting Teens

Teenagers are full of questions. They are adventurous, fearless and sensitive at the same time. Keeping a balance between caring, teaching about life and letting them grow can become difficult for the parents. I often find parents juggling between doing too much and not doing enough for them. If you deal with teens, I know you have it to the brim and each day is a new challenge. But the right mix of care, supervision, and communication can get it all right. So, before you tire yourself by worrying if you are doing the job right or not, take a look at these awesome ways to deal with teenage kids:

Don’t hover

What teens hate the most is hovering. They are growing up and a lot of it is new for them. Parents want to be there for them but in doing so they irritate the kids. They are very sensitive and want privacy as well. So, keep an eye on them, talk, tell them about the right and wrong but not all the time. If they want to keep something to themselves, it’s ok. If you feel that they are getting irritated by your questions, leave them alone for a while and talk later.

Let them explore

Most teens are adventurous. They want to try new things. Stopping them from everything can ignite anger and kill their motivation as well. Support them the best you can. Being a parent, you understand the dangers better and want to protect them. You should but where possible, let them take on the adventure. Sometimes you have to let them do things in order to understand what they can and cannot do.

Give them space to make mistakes

We tend to put a lot of pressure on teens and expect them to do everything perfectly. The truth is that everybody can make mistakes. If they do make mistakes or go off track from your house rules, let them. Let them learn the lesson out of it. It is the best way to teach them responsibility. It also tells you about their abilities. Make sure that you properly communicate your concerns and ideas but allow them to do wrong. This is how they learn to be strong and face life’s challenges.

Monitor remotely

To handle your own worries but not hover at the same time, you can try remote digital monitoring. In fact, it is now a must considering the growing dangers of the internet and otherwise. A parental control app like FamilyTime is your best bet. With it, you can keep a watch on your kids’ whereabouts at all times from their GPS location and Geofence. They can also send you panic alerts in the time of need. Other than that you can keep an eye on their online surfing, mobile apps, text messages, calls, and contacts. You can even block unwanted apps and put shady contacts on a watch list. Moreover, you can also control screen time with digital phone locks. It all happens remotely. You stay aware of your kids’ lives and they know you are there to protect them as well.

Head over to the app store to know more about FamilyTime or click the buttons for a free trial:

Be a friend

A friendly and approachable attitude is the best thing you can have for them. They need emotional support and a safe place. Be their safe space and allow them to share with you. It is a great way to know if something is troubling them. Bestow your trust in them. When they know you trust them, they make sure not to break your trust as well.

Don’t worry if some days are tougher than usual. That is what teenage is all about. Give them space, trust them, forgive them when they make mistakes and teach them to get back from falling down. Keep your worries at bay with a parental control app. Just be there for them and you can ace the teen years!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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