FamilyTime Proclaimed to be the Best Parental Control App for Smartphone Users by US News

Apr 3, 2024 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, What's New

Since its launch, FamilyTime has received good reviews and appreciation and has been mentioned in leading blogs, reports, reviews, and media channels. In the latest listing, US News titled FamilyTime the “best for smartphone users” in its list of the best parental control apps in 2024. 

What does this mean for you? It means that you’re using the best tool available to monitor your kids’ smartphone usage and ensure their safety in this digital age. 

According to experts at US News, FamilyTime has several features that distinguish it from other apps. They recognized the app’s smartphone compatibility and simplicity for parents and kids. 

Features that Sets FamilyTime Apart! 

The review emphasizes the exclusives of FamilyTime, giving it a good uplift and recognition for being the best on its own. The reviewer highlighted that FamilyTime does offer realistic and helpful features. Moreover, these are efficient enough to serve the purpose of keeping kids safe online. US News Review mentions the following features of the app: 

Control Over Apps and Games

With FamilyTime, you’re the boss. You can handpick which apps and games your kids can access, ensuring they only interact with age-appropriate content.

Screen Time Management

FamilyTime lets you set limits on screen time, helping your kids develop healthy digital habits. Say goodbye to endless scrolling by your kids and falling prey to online threats. 

Monitoring Social Media and Web Use

Monitor your kids’ online activity and ensure their safety on social media and the web.

Location Tracking

Are you worried about your child’s whereabouts? FamilyTime lets you track their location in real-time, giving you peace of mind.

Geofencing and Driving Habits

Set up geofences to receive alerts when your child enters or leaves specific locations. Plus, monitor your teen’s driving habits for added safety on the road.

Extensive Alerts 

One super cool feature that sets FamilyTime apart is the “Pick Me Up” message and SOS Panic Button. If your child ever finds themselves in an emergency, they can easily reach out to you with just a tap. Now, that’s what we call peace of mind.

Sign up with FamilyTime NOW! 

When experts review the app and appreciate its work and contribution to children’s digital well-being, you are at the right place. With FamilyTime Premium, you can stay on top of your kids’ digital lives while allowing them to explore safely. Thanks to US News for recognizing our efforts, and a huge shout out to all you amazing parents for choosing FamilyTime as your go-to parental control app. Together, we’re making the internet safer for our kids, one download at a time.

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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