May 14, 2019 | Parenting Advice, Parenting Teens

It is no secret that our generation is the first to have any pornographic content imaginable on a device that fits in the pocket. Pornography is available all the time to anyone who has access to the internet, regardless of age. With alarming statistics, a recent study has proven the size of the problem: 10% of British teenagers between 12 and 13 years of age consider themselves dependent on pornography.

The study was conducted by the British NGO National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), which interviewed about 700 teenagers and found that one in ten said they already see pornography to the point of worrying and feeling that they could stop. Another alarming fact is that 12% of them said they had already participated in sexually explicit filming.

Depression and violence

Why is this happening? “Young people are turning to the internet to learn about sex and relationships. We know they often come into contact with pornography, often unintentionally, and they are telling us very clearly that this has detrimental and troubling effects on them,” explained Esther Rantzen, founder of ChildLine – the NSPCC service that attends and advises children and adolescents.

Peter Liver, director of ChildLine, reports: “They tell us that watching pornography is making them feel depressed, worried about their body image and pressured into engaging in sexual acts they are not ready for.”

One boy told ChildLine that he was “always seeing pornography, including very aggressive content.” He did not think pornography would affect him until he realized that he began to see the girls in a different way. That worried me,” he said.

One girl reported being harassed at age twelve by her boyfriend, the same age, addicted to pornography. “I felt dirty, confused, shocked. Pornography is not just a ten-minute video – it has consequences, “she said.


Online exposure to pornography is becoming more and more common. Will Gardner, CEO of Childnet and director of the UK Safer Internet Center , says: “It may be difficult for parents to face the fact that their children may have contact with pornography, but the reality is that pornography is easy to find online and children are being exposed to this type of content ever earlier. “

Desensitization is another reason that has triggered addiction to pornography. The study found that one in five teenagers ages 12 to 13 thinks viewing pornography is normal and part of everyday life.

Pornography tends to become more and more accessible. So how to fight something so ubiquitous? Liver points out that “if we as a society are embarrassed to talk about it, we will be decrying the failure of the thousands of young people who are being affected.”

“We have to talk about sex, love, respect and consent as soon as we feel they are ready for it, to ensure they have a realistic view of the difference between real relationships and the fantasy world of pornography,” says Rantzen.

In addition, experts recommend parents to keep a watchful eye on their kids’ web exposure and as soon as the encounter any pornographic content they should counsel their kids. FamilyTime – Internet Filtering App can help parents to save their kids from pornography addiction.

Make use of the above-given suggestions by experts and save your kid from the wide spreading pornography addiction!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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