Summer Safety Tips for Parents: Let Those Wings Fly!

Aug 18, 2017 | Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, Parenting 101

Lay off from school also means they have more time to spend with their phones and tablets. Social media, online gaming, e-reading are all very attractive especially when you have nothing else to do. No one really studies in their holidays, we’ve all been there haven’t we?

Summers holidays mean free time and more fun for kids. What are your kids planning to do: beach fiestas and pool parties? Summer camps and exploring the woods? Or are you all going to grandma’s old pace?

Whatever it is, make sure to make the most of it, all the while, keeping them secure.

Kids Love to Whoop it up!

Kids like to be left free in their vacations and do the things they have been putting off all year. Some like to go out, meet new people, try adventurous things and explore. Some like to stay at home, relax and simply read.

Recreation and Teen Safety

They like to dive in amusement and fun without much care. Parents, however, have to keep a check on them so that they can have a healthy digital lifestyle. Too much technology can harm them and we certainly don’t want that. Parental controls are the cool way to keep a check on them and also let them have their time.

FamilyTime – Your Savior this summer!

FamilyTime is what you need to ensure healthier; safer summers for your kids. It is the super cop that passively keeps a watch on what your kids are doing online and exposure to dangerous content or people. It refrains them from developing harmful habits. Don’t worry we won’t let you be the bad cop, we have it all handled

Want to know what it can do for you? Here’s what:

Get check-ins and check-outs

You can know where they go all day by getting auto updates. Just add the places they’ll be visiting this summer like a dance class or summer camp using the Places- geofencing feature. FamilyTime will keep you in the loop and let you know whenever they reach or leave that place.

Track their movement

They can’t go to notorious bars, unsafe neighborhoods, and late night parties without you knowing. Check the Location History under the Reports tab to know what they up to all day. You don’t have to worry and physically follow them in order to be sure they are not going to any risky places. Just one click will keep you informed.

Kickout adult content

Summer time also brings binge watching TV shows and movie nights with friends. Some kids indulge into reading. Don’t worry about them watching or reading mature content. Control what they see online by the Content Filtering facility. You can set up only those movies, TV shows or books to show which are appropriate for their age according to the rating and the rest won’t show on their devices.

Block dangerous apps

Being online and being free means they would have plenty of time to explore different applications and try new things. There are a lot of apps that encourage sexting and talking to strangers. Keep an eye on such apps and block them before they get into trouble. Go to App Blocker in the Settings menu and start adding unwanted apps on the blacklist.

Manage device usage

Games, social media, movies and TV shows are addictive. Kids often lose track of time and end up spending hours with their devices. This can be dangerous for their health and social life too. Limit their screen times so they don’t become hermits and have a contact with the outside world as well. Go to Limit Screen Time and set up as many rules as you want. Their devices will get locked for the indicated time intervals.

Keep it fun, keep it safe!

Let your kids relish their days off, pamper their hearts and oil their minds with creativity. Just make sure they don’t get carried away. Don’t fret, don’t hover – let a parental control app do the work for you, after all, you deserve to enjoy too. So hand over the teen safety duty to us and relax.

Happy summers!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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