Aug 20, 2020 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS, Parenting Advice

It seems that the image of the neighborhood parks full of children playing ball, running, swinging, jumping, has been left in memories. Now technology motivates minors and adults to have fun at home without any deprivation.

Technological development motivates that; especially children and adolescents live under their dependence and if this does not have adequate control can lead to health difficulties due to sedentary lifestyle, complications in character, difficulty of interrelation, and extend to more difficult problems to detect as sexual harassment and bullying.

This is why parents and teachers must use all possible tools to achieve a balance that fits the digital world of children and adolescents with the outside world. But how to fight against technology? This time we bring you some tips to convince them and convince us that the best is out of a screen.

1. Parents should be the first to leave their technological devices aside if they want children to do the same. When they address the minor to give him a lesson, he should not be aware of the cell phone or television. This shows that you can engage in a serious or entertaining conversation looking into each other’s eyes. This action shows attention and reaffirms confidence.

2. It is important to establish schedules both for the development of virtual activities and for recreational activities. The intention is not to completely abolish the use of technology, the objective is to ration the time dedicated to each activity. This will also allow parents to observe and control hazards in social networks.

3. Allowing and motivating children to do outdoor activities, will favor social skills such as: teamwork, leadership, empathy, and at the same time stimulate the coarse coordination of their movements and wear of caloric energy that will help prevent the childhood obesity.

4. Sport and outdoor activities can also stimulate the artistic side of the little ones. It is important to share family activities such as going to the theater, concerts and exhibitions. And although it is what a young person desires as a gift, giving away paintings, books or a musical instrument allows children to learn new things.

5. It is efficient to take home games that stimulate concentration, analytical skills, fine motor skills, simple mathematical calculations and social skills.

6. It is essential that neither parents nor teachers show themselves as enemies of technology, they can even use it as an ally to get out of the house. For example, in an outdoor walk you can take pictures of animals, vegetation or old buildings with cell phones or tablets and then create a collage of family photographs; and at the end of the holidays, make an exhibition of the portraits before family and friends.

7. One way to strengthen communication is to establish standards such as not having cell phones or video games at lunch, dinner or family gatherings. For this, you can use FamilyTime screen limit app that lets parents lock their kids’ screen from a distance either through a scheduler or using the remote lock.

8. If the children are staying with a nanny or relative during their vacation should ensure that that adult enforces the rules and schedules to connect or play on the consoles.

9. If children invite their friends, state that they will not only use their technological devices. Do not get upset if they mess up or are noisy, let them play freely around the home.

10. Remember that the game is an activity of the human being, and has proven to be a valuable learning experience. Technology is not an enemy as long as it takes control over it.

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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