Digital Parenting for Dummies : Using Parental Software Smartly

Apr 14, 2017 | Family Locator App, Parental Controls

At times, we all get rigid and avoid accepting our parenting flaws and shortcomings. This is not something you’d take pride in. Today’s teens are going through too much and you can’t be on their shoulders all the time. Let’s face it, we are not perfect nor are our kids and deep down we all know it. If you are over protective for your kids, then go for parental control software that can make it possible for you to stay connect with them all the time without nagging them at all.

Are you an Ideal Parent?

Well, you might not be a perfect parent and it’s not your fault. You were not born to be an ideal parent nor you were programmed to do perfect parenting. But you could make serious mistakes if you do not accept that it’s time to change our parenting styles because times are changing and so are our kids. There are number of challenges today’s teens face – much more than what we had. The peer pressure, social acceptance, pressure to get admissions, to win competitions; they are coping with too much. If you will continue imposing your old-school values on them they might get frustrated and the consequences will not be desirable for you at all.

Shocking but true!

Do you know that in US alone, 3500 teenagers run away from their homes each day? Obviously, you can’t afford it to happen with your kid. I think now you can understand that being a hovering parent is no longer an effective option.

Parental Apps can Help You

We cannot leave them on their own nor can we be a helicopter parent. So, the use of smart monitoring app can be a great solution. Such apps are very popular these days because they are providing interesting features. You can monitor all your kids’ mobile phone activities and even have continuous access to their location and the detail of where they have been all day long.

Why FamilyTime is the Best App?

FamilyTime is a very smartly designed and programmed app to meet almost every parenting need of a common parent. By just paying a couple of dollars for its activation, you can get all the features and parental controls. Here are some of the features that are very popular among the parents:

  • GPS location
  • Text messages
  • Call logs
  • Web browsing history
  • Check-ins and check-outs
  • Bookmarks

Say No to Over-protective Parenting

Keep pace with the changing times and be a wise parent. When you can’t be a stalking parent, you can share your monitoring concerns with FamilyTime parental software. Stop being over protective and have a relaxed parenting experience.

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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