Parenting Made Easy: 5 Parental Responsibilities You Can Let FamilyTime Do for You!

Mar 5, 2016 | Parental Controls, Parental Controls for Android, Parental Controls for iOS

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Ever stopped for 5 seconds to wonder your life is a big mess? Welcome to the parenting club! If you can think straight for more than 5 minutes than may be you’re not doing it right. Ever since I became a parent, my life is a haze – I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night and I need regular caffeine dose to get myself pass the day. And don’t you look at my fridge –it’s all covered with post-its reminding me of the upcoming birthday parties my kids have to attend, my daughter’s bake sale and my son’s weekly schedule of soccer practice and my toddler’s vaccine deadlines! If I could just have a remote control so I could pause and rewind stuff, that’d be great. More coffee, please!

That was me some three months ago. Now I don’t fret and whine this much. Technology can make life remarkably easy- you only have to look for the right bit of it to use. And in my case, as well as for any other parent, digital parental controls are the best any parent could wish for! These parenting apps can take a lot of stress out of your life and you can finally have some me-time!

Parenting and Digital Parental Controls

There is probably app for everything and parenting is no exception. So hit your app store and search for FamilyTime – Dashboard or simply click on the buttons below. Click Install and see all your parental woes going away!



FamilyTime parental control app is the most trusted parental control app and has recently been Listed in KidSafe Seal program indicating that this application is perfectly safe to be used by parents and children. FamilyTime offers you a dedicated parental control app and an online dashboard so you can access it from your phone and through any web-enabled device. All you need to do is create the child profiles and then install the FamilyTime Child App on their phones or tabs. This app can be installed on any Android or iOS device.

Parenting Made Easy with FamilyTime

FamilyTime can be extremely helpful in carrying ut your parental responsibilities like a breeze. You can do a lot and mange your children’s digital lifestyle remotely. You no longer have to:

  • Eavesdrop on their conversations to know who they are talking to
  • Sneak into their rooms or check their belongings
  • Stalk them to find where they hang out with friends
  • Remember busy schedules and family commitments
  • Call them every hour to know if they’re safe while you’re at work
  • Interrupt your meetings, work or household chores to ask your spouse or partner to pick up your children
  • Waste time trying to find their location in emergency situations

With FamilyTime’s power features, you can take care of all your parental responsibilities. Here are a few ways FamilyTime can help you:

Knowing Their Whereabouts


“Where are you?” It’s an age-old question and parents can’t help but asking about their kids’ whereabouts. And teens, they always find this question to be nagging and often obtrusive. But guess what? You no longer have to call them up to know where they are at any time. Simply log into your FamilyTime – Dashboard and tap on Reports and view their location history. You will instantly know where they have been and other details like date and number of times they visited that place. So if your son is hanging out at a certain bar too often, you better should look into it more closely!

Who They Mix-up With?


The biggest concern for parents when their children reach teenage is the company they keep and the friends they hang out with. As your teens won’t be able to quite well understand the threats they’re exposed to , it’s better to keep a check on their friend circle. You can check all the contacts in their phones from your own FamilyTime and can Watchlist the ones you want to keep tabs on. Next time if your child tries to contact that number, you will get instant alert.

Never Forget When to Pick up Children

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Who can blame you when you’re so stuck at home or work and totally forget to pick up your child from his soccer practice or your daughter from her friend’s? And worse of all, parents often get confused if both parents take turns to pick and drop kids. It’s best if you leave this to FamilyTime. Your children an send you instant alerts from their FamilyTime Child App and both parents will get the alert. Whoever is free or near-by can send a message that they’re going to pick the child up. See; no confusions and no forgetting it! Even if you’re badly stuck at a meeting that won’t end; send a message that you can’t come and your spouse will know in time.  No more making up to your child for getting late and having him or her to wait forever in school or at their friend’s!

Keep Tabs on their Online Activities

Web-history@xxhdpiWe have discussed in details how teens using the Internet unsupervised can be dangerous for them- even fatal! FamilyTime offers you an interesting way to keep tabs on what they do online. You don’t have to befriend them on Facebook or manually check their phones for clues. Simply go to your dashboard and check the Internet history. You’d get to know all about their interests, what’s on their mid, what they are searching about and stuff.


You can also check the apps they have installed in their phones. If you see too many dating apps and VPN apps, you should better have a word with them.

Reduce their Mobile Phone Usage


Excessive screen time not only damages their eyes but also affects their attention span. And if it’s their exam season, all the social media apps can distract them and keep them off their books. Late night browsing is another problem that is causing insomnia and sleep deprivation among teens.  And not to forget the social and psychological impact of this excessive phone usage on teens, they don’t feel the need to converse with others. They can become introvert and socially awkward and parents need to stop this. FamilyTime comes to rescue with its most innovative screen time locks. You can limit their phone access during study, dinner and sleep hours to keep them off their mobile phones. Simply enter the start and end time and their phone will be locked during those hours.

So, take my word and let go of all the parental woes. Rely on FamilyTime for effortless parenting and easy schedule management. After all, FamilyTime is all about enjoying a healthy Family Time!

FamilyTime helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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